Expert-Speak: Leadership As A Balancing Act Between Ubuntu Principles And Effective Management

Published 7 months ago
Letlhokwa George MpedI- The writer serves as Vice-Chancellor and Principal at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa.
Three creative colleagues exchanging ideas
Strong manager-employee relations have the potential to decrease employee absenteeism and turnover rates, while poor management can have devastating effects. (Getty Images)

Leadership is a very precise balancing act. American statesman Teddy Roosevelt is said to have once argued, “The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”

This is one aspect of the balancing act I refer to. The other aspect is the very art of navigating the various moving parts leadership entails. Maneuvering these parts requires leaders to demonstrate skill, intuition, discernment, and perseverance.

There thus needs to be a framework to guide leadership practices. In the South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, Lämsä and Keränen refer to responsible leadership.


As they argue, “The principles of responsible leadership are organized in a hierarchical order, based on the level of cooperation between manager and employee.” In an analysis of leadership styles, their study found that responsible leadership was dependent on the presence of various principles, including care, trust, openness, fairness, and empowerment.

This, they argue, is based on ethical frameworks from both parties. As I went through this study, I contemplated the implications of managing employment relations. This could be considered a ubuntu style of leadership that has its roots in various African societies and cultures.


In Understanding Organizational Leadership Through Ubuntu, Chiku Malunga argues that ubuntu calls for leaders to determine the way for others based on African values such as honesty, sincerity, dignity, and respect for others.

This goes beyond the traditional hierarchical notions of leadership and focuses on building strong relationships, fostering social cohesion, creating a purpose, and encouraging environments that promote collective wellbeing. In Ubuntu Leadership – An Explication of an Afrocentric Leadership Style, Eugene Laloo argues that there now needs to be a view to encompass traditionally African leadership theories such as ubuntu.


As he asserts, “Now is the time to refocus on its further development and refi nement to bring this leadership theory into the fold of general leadership discourse.” It could be argued that mutual respect, a central tenet of ubuntu, is the lens through which discipline, confl ict and harmony in the workplace should be analyzed.

Discipline within the context of employment relations can be viewed in two ways. Firstly, it entails a framework of expectations for employees to follow. Strong leaders are made acutely aware of their roles and responsibilities but also the consequences of not meeting these expectations. What is required is a framework for accountability, which outlines how leaders respond to issues such as performance or conduct. Secondly, it denotes one’s own sense of control – or controlled motivation as some camps refer to it as.

This is based on values such as respect and humility. Leaders who encourage this sense of discipline are likely to have more engaged and empowered employees.Confl ict resolution is a crucial component of leadership, and leaders must be skilled at addressing confl ict not only promptly but also in a constructive manner.

Conflict resolution relies on open communication. It is thus imperative for employees to create channels for employees to effectively communicate their grievances and for employees to act as mediators where necessary to fi nd mutually beneficial solutions.


Leaders must have soft skills such as active listening, clear and effective communication, and empathy in their arsenal. This enables a more conducive and positive environment. Disagreements should thus not be viewed negatively but rather through the lens of opportunity for growth.These ideas strive towards achieving harmony in the workplace.

Harmony is predicated on the very culture of respect. Here, leaders must demonstrate respect through their actions by emphasizing traits such as fairness or empathy. This fosters a sense of belonging. This inspires cooperation and teamwork and instils a sense of belonging and respect for one another. Additionally, the very idea of harmony acknowledges and celebrates differences. The mutual respect that emerges is ubuntu in practice – as the idea insists, ‘I am because you are’.

In ubuntu-style leadership, these principles are encouraged and deeply ingrained in cultural norms and traditions. According to writer Sammi Caramela, this approach to employee engagement is integral for productivity, creativity, and innovation.

Strong manager-employee relations have the potential to decrease employee absenteeism and turnover rates, while poor management can have devastating effects. In fact, this is backed up by a GoodHire survey of 3,000 workers, which indicated that 82% of respondents would leave if they had a bad manager. Indeed, leadership is a very precise balancing act – one enriched by the very idea of ubuntu.

