‘Men Think We Talk About Them All The Time’

Published 9 years ago

Bitches Be Back, the sequel to the 2013 show, Bitches, will be staged in Johannesburg in February with an all-female cast of local comedians including Tumi Morake, Celeste Ntuli, Noko Moswete, Thenjiwe Moseley and Nina Hastie. South African radio personality Anele Mdoda, who will host the show, tells us why she thinks it’s still
a man’s world.


FORBES WOMAN AFRICA: Why are assertive men known as bosses and  bossy women known as bitches?

Anele Mdoda: It is a double-edged sword. When women get to higher positions, they harden a little and are justified in doing so, because as a woman you have to work twice as hard for half the recognition. It is easy for men to be laid-back because when a man makes a mistake, it is simply an individual making a mistake. When a woman in her individual capacity makes a mistake, then it is all women who get painted with the same brush. She is not incompetent because she made a mistake, but rather because she is a woman.


FWA: What green room conversations do the all-female cast of Bitches Be Back have about the men?

AM: We discuss men and everything else. When we did the photoshoot, conversations went from where I bought my dress to what we are going to have for lunch, Tumi’s new hairstyle and Celeste’s one-woman tour. Men think we talk about them all the time. We do not.



FWA: What qualities do you most admire in your female colleagues?

AM: Accountability, constant growth and a constant flowing river of creativity.



FWA:What do you most hate?

AM: Our eating habits.



FWA: Will a female comedian ever get a chance a la Trevor Noah? Is stand-up comedy still male-dominated?

AM: Yes we will get a chance and yes comedy is still male-dominated. Show me a profession that isn’t.


FWA: What is the most overrated thing you’ve seen?

AM: Anger on social media.


FWA: If you were to die and come back as a thing, what would that be?

AM: Water.


FWA: Your advice to women with stage fright or fear to speak up in the boardroom?

AM: If it matters to you, speak up, even if you tremble, and no one has ever died from hearing a ‘no’ so ask anyway and lastly, there is not a person on earth who is not nervous to speak publicly. NO ONE! They just conquer that demon daily.

FWA: Fifty two percent of the world’s population is female. Why is it still a man’s world?

Because women allow them.



– Interviewed by Methil Renuka


Related Topics: #Comedy, #Conversations, #February 2016, #Men, #Woman.