Johnnie Walker, in partnership with Million Men March, Tswharanang Legal Advocacy Centre and Lifeline, held an event on Saturday at the iconic Nelson Mandela Bridge in support of an abuse-free society by pledging to do what they can to eradicate the causes and effects of women and children abuse for not only 16 days, but for all 365 days of the year. The South African public is also invited to pledge their support to eradicate the causes and effects of abuse for all 365 days of the year by pledging their support on
Alcohol has long been associated in many parts of the world with enjoyment and celebration. At Johnnie Walker, our brands are made with pride, but are also made to be enjoyed – responsibly. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Violence against women is often related to the irresponsible use of alcohol.

Representatives from Diageo, Million Men March, Tswharanang Legal Advocacy Centre and Lifeline, on Nelson Mandela Bridge. (Photo supplied)
Several studies from low- and middle-income countries show that men who misuse alcohol are 1.6 to 4.8 times more likely to perpetrate intimate partner violence than men who do not misuse alcohol. Fortunately, research also shows that violence against women is predictable and preventable. By identifying the social, cultural, legal and economic factors that influence such violence, it is possible to predict its occurrence and to understand how to prevent it.
The Striding Men event is just one of the many initiatives Johnnie Walker will champion to promote responsible drinking and combat alcohol misuse. Johnnie Walker is proud to invite South Africa to participate and contribute towards 365 days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children by continuing to promote responsible drinking in South Africa.